Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lockwood Valley Creek Hike

Today, Steve and I took Kramer and Murray on a hike/walk at Lockwood Valley Creek.  It was a wonderfully pleasant day. 

We drove to the four-wheel drive parking lot and started off at the creek.  Along most of the walk, we were in the creek which  was pretty shallow, a little above ankle height. There were larger pools near the middle and we saw some small trout, with the largest being about 6 inches.

I always am careful were I step, but since Kramer was bitten by the rattlesnake about 1 1/2 weeks ago, I am even more observant.  Today, Steve "reminded me" about watching out.  Luckily, I didn't see a snake, but did see the tiny horned toad in the sand near the creek.

We walked for about one hour up the creek and then back down.

We took a nice leisurely walk while the dogs ran in and out of the water, covering about 20 times more distance than us.  Now, they are tired from romping in the water and running all day.


  1. Cool!! Griffin would want that horned toad as a pet!

  2. This is super weird. How on earth do you have time to set up a blog, but no time to email your daughter pictures from this summer?

  3. Amanda, that is why we have the blog. You can get anything off the blog and we can have a way to document and keep our pictures together. I will send you the pictures that Steve promised to send you.
    Love, Mom
